How To Prevent ARP Spoofing

“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time,

but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”

-Abraham Lincoln

What is ARP spoofing, and why do I care? If you’re old enough, […]

Disable Proxy Autodetection

Yesterday, I was wondering why my PC was getting logs of these NetBOIS Name queries to WPAD:

Turns out that WPAD is one of Internet Explorer’s worst features. It’s just one of those stupid little things that may be turned on by default that leaves your PC open to hackers.

What can you do […]

How to Protect Yourself from Hacking Attacks

Hacking attacks happen all the time and pose a real security threat. Here are ten things you can do to protect yourself:

1) Don’t use the same password for all of your user accounts. Choose a variety of passwords, and make each one strong (no full words, use both numbers and letters). Keep your list […]

How To Protect Your Wireless Network

First of all, you DID turn on encryption for your wireless network, didn’t you? If you wireless network is unencrypted, then anyone driving by can connect to your network, and try to steal information from your computers. (This is called wardriving. And, there is a newer version where the bad guys can do the same […]

Hacking Attack Rates

If you are hooked up to the Internet (at home, at a local coffee shop, at an airport, wherever), there is a constant barrage of Internet traffic trying to get to your PC. Hackers are trying to get into your computer. They might be in China, in Russia, in the US, in your own neighborhood, […]